Having tweeted all day I honestly don't see the appeal outside of helping my swiss cheese brain remember stuff. I'll probably not tweet again unless some significant occurs. Like "OMG there's a UFO n da street. Alienz r 4nic8ng w/the neighbor's dawg." significant.
But I promised an annotated version of my tweets, so here we go:
And we're up and running. Laundry and dishes both in their magic cleaning boxes. Lex is potty training today. Fingers crossed there. So I was a bit on the slow side getting up and didn't actually get up until everyone else in the house was up. Cute Fan Girl got Lex started on the potty and I dragged myself up after Loki was ready to get up. Started the whole clean the house process (which didn't get as far as I had planned) by starting laundry and dishes.
Potty attempt #1 & 2-SUCCESS!- Lex was successful on his first two (and ultimately only two) potty sessions this morning. When he woke up from his nap, he had zero interest in using the potty. Later, he did sit on the potty, but no action. I'm hoping that this process continues to go smoothly. This weekend will be a big step I hope!
Is it wrong that I'm nervous having Lex sit on my lap? Potty training is so nerve wracking.- I was so nervous he was going to wet himself and me, but luckily it didn't happen. As he sat there he "drew" a house using stickers to make the outline.
Kids are dressed! Maps are printed! Hopefully, my local hunt stays local. Mom is getting a local kielbasa and making local chicken salad.- I was fully prepared to trek as far as needed to get the items on my list. The milk and eggs weren't the issue, it was the seafood. Ultimately, Cute Fan Girl stopped off at Whole Foods and saved me the hassle.
Lex: Me Sean. Me Sean.- Lex got himself dressed this morning. Khaki shorts that rode down on his hips, a t-shirt and sunglasses. He comes walking into the living room declaring that he was his Uncle Sean.
And we're off....- Left the house about 9:30. A little later than I hoped, but oh well.
Milk n eggs. Not what I expected.- The Farm Store wasn't what I expected. Also, I made the mistake of not putting Loki in the stroller so I had my hands full. I'm sure that if I had, I would have had better success looking around. But I got the eggs and milk and peanut butter cookies. We saw the token cow. All the other cows must have been in the barn, but the kids got to see the cow and a cat.
Going to the fish market on Good Friday. Not the smartest choice.- Up there with a toy store on X-Mas Eve, a florist on Valentine's Day or the Hallmark section of a Target about 4:30 PM on Mother's Day. It was jampacked.
Don't tell a 3 year old you're going to a fish market. He wants to bring Nemo home. Lex thought we were buying a fish for his aquarium. He did get excited about seeing the lobsters in the tank.
No luck on the local fish front.- Considering how busy it was I didn't get a chance to really talk to the guys working behind the counter. They had Gulf shrimp and Maine lobster, but the sources of the other fish were unknown.
Does eating at Burger King negate the whole sourcing locally concept?-I know it's horrible to feed them fast food, but at this point it was past noon and I had little desire to go home and make lunch.
Home...lunch is done and we're getting ready for naptime. Which works out nicely, cuz I need a nap.- Today was a good nap day. Two of the last 3 home days Lex hasn't napped. Today they both napped and I got some much needed quiet time.
If it smells like lighter fluid, do you really think the burgers will taste good?- Really, the only tweet I'm proud of. Now that the weather has turned nice, the folks in the basement apartment pulled out their grill and made Kerosene Cheeseburgers. Someone has a heavy hand when it comes to the lighter fluid. If it smells that strong, I can only imagine what biting into one must be like.
The rest of the evening went tweet-less. We made Shrimp and Pasta and a garlic bread. Lex helped us cook and the food was delicious. After dinner, Lex & I went for a walk as he tried to learn to ride his bike. He doesn't quite have the pedaling concept down yet. We came home and decorated eggs for Easter.
All in all a very Good Friday and now I bid you a good night! Or in tweet speak Gud nite!